Sunday 24 February 2013

Thriller Opening Rough Cut

Things I think work well:
- The soundtrack before the clips slowly eases the audience into the thriller and creates a sense of mood.
- The shots of Scarlett applying her lipstick at 0:14/0:17 where she is reflected in the mirror connotes to the audience the idea of her double life.
- The slow establishment of the character whereby the props reveal the character like seen in 'Se7en.'
-The transition between the blowing out of the candle and the fade to black at 0:59 I think looks smooth and effective.
-The tight tilt shots used between the wall and Scarlett where she is being followed is similar to that of the sewer scene shots in 'The Third Man' which resultantly creates a sense of claustrophobia. 

Aspects needed to Improve:
- A more appropriate genre and time fitting sound track is needed to replace the current action/adventure sounding track.
- The titles for the film begin a few seconds too early, and are too large as well as needing re-positioning.
-The titles do not last the same length of time and thus look odd, as well as appearing too quickly after one another.
-The entire film including the opening 'Pioneer Pictures' needs to be put in Black and White which will also make the continuity flow better as there are lighting colour changes between the shots.
- The shot of Ray at 1:13 where the audience are first introduces to him, is too short, and therefore needs to be expanded, or another shot needs to be used to introduce Ray to the audience so they are able to make the clear connection from the man in the photograph, to the man following Scarlett as it is an essential part of the story.
-The accidental clip at the end of the thriller needs to be deleted.
-The final sequence as she goes up the stairs I think needs another tension building shot added as it ends too bluntly.

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