Friday 15 March 2013

Question 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

To determine the target audience is a crucial stage in film planning, as it affects all processes within the stages between filming and exhibition. For example, depending on the target audience of the film, whether it will appeal to the mass market, or to a minority, will affect which distribution company is likely to distribute it and where (for more on this, look at my blog post on possible distribution companies ) In order to determine our target audience, we researched other films similar to our own, because it was likely that we would share the same audience. During this research we began to notice several trends and patterns between the type of film, and it's main audience. For example, many Noirs and thrillers which presented women in an objectified manner were usually higher rated by men than women. We used these assumptions and interpretations from other research to begin to speculate the demographics of our own audience.

From the research and speculations we had about our target audience, we further embellished on the key points, such as that it would be a mainly male audience, due to the glamorous woman, and thriller nature of the film stereo-typically being a male targeted genre, to then further look at trends and patterns in other Noir thrillers to establish the age, as well as taking into account factors within our own thriller which could change this, and finally the type of characteristics we thought the audience that would view our thriller would be most likely to posses.

1 comment:

  1. You've researched other thrillers excellently here, and your post would be improved by including a sentence or two at the start of the post to explain what research you did and why, and also how this has influenced your ideas.
    Then explain how this led into the development of your prezi.
    You might also make references within this post to links to your posts on Distribution Institutions and Audience Appeal ("for more on this, see my blog post entitled... LINK")
